Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Brand Marketing
ByBrands Martini
Published on29/01/2018
Building and initiating a relevant and intriguing brand is something every marketer must strive for. And in the constantly evolving landscape of brand marketing, it has become all the more imperative to have a solid brand marketing strategy. This branding strategy is what defines what your business stands for. It differentiates you from your competitors … Continue reading “Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Brand Marketing”
Social Media Marketing Moments – The Best Campaigns So Far
ByBrands Martini
Published on01/01/2018
Social Media Marketing campaigns have this undeniable power to turn into something really, really remarkable. Every once in a while, we come across social media campaigns, that create massive digital waves that wreak havoc in order to reach the coveted millennial generation and subsequently break the internet.
6 Reasons How Live Chat Increase Website Sales & Traffic
ByBrands Martini
Published on04/12/2017
There is so much competition today in the internet world. Trying to be at the top of search engines, more visible to viewers, increase traffic and sales are some of the most desirable features by enthusiasts and business people. Not bothering of all these factors and sitting idle won’t help them either, we need to … Continue reading “6 Reasons How Live Chat Increase Website Sales & Traffic”
4 Ways to Build an Organic Following on Twitter
ByBrands Martini
Published on25/08/2017
With social media getting more and more ingrained in our daily lives, it’s now pivotal for business owners to get aboard. And taking into consideration this drastic shift to people or consumer-centric marketing, Twitter is now much more relevant than ever before.
Twitter Gets The Much Needed Upgrades With New Features
ByBrands Martini
Published on19/04/2017
With its stagnant user growth and diminishing revenue over the last 2 years, Twitter’ growth stalled despite its interesting aspects (Periscope being the most notable one). Apparently, it wasn’t something that was appealing enough to the 77% of the people who weren’t using the app.
Which Social Media Platform Is Best For Your Brand?
ByBrands Martini
Published on05/04/2017
Social networking is no more just a way to communicate with your family and friends, now more than ever is used to promote business. The most popular social platform in the world has millions of users, but that is not the social media aspect that makes it more attractive for marketing.
The Power Of Iconography And How It Affects The Brands
ByBrands Martini
Published on18/01/2017
Iconography: There has been a subtle, but significant shift in the use of logos, icons and infographic designs. And as a consequence, the use of photography for branding is beginning to diminish. What caused it? Well, it’s quite a task to convey the unique essence of your brand through a generic product or a … Continue reading “The Power Of Iconography And How It Affects The Brands”