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Local Shopping Complex,
Bhera Enclave, Paschim Vihar,
New Delhi-11008783
Google Consolidates Hotel Reviews for User Convenience
Aren’t you tired of going through various websites and agents to get the right place to stay?
Finding the right hotel, the right place, has always been troublesome and bothering, especially when one has to travel with one’s family. Budget constraints, particularly in peak season further limit the chances of finding the right place to stay.
Cleanliness, safety, affordability, facilities, parking space, cancellation, distance from key points, discounts, facilities, additional features and dining facilities are the most sought-after factors which are considered before finalizing a booking. Bookings have become more confusing with plenty of options and many dozens of websites and agencies offering lucrative discounts, deals and offers.
Google business reviews now collect hotel booking sites review from multiple websites and apps and bring them together at Google Rating sections, for the sake of user’s convenience and ease. Google My Business review is the section where a businessman or owner can remind his customers or users to place their Google ratings and reviews. My business review will enable you to promote your hotel business. As the importance of Google review is very high, people will search more about your business before going for the product. A customer gets highly influenced by this and can influence future prospects as well.
For the reviewer or customer, it’s valuable to share Google business reviews of the services he took or the products he used. His name will be displayed along with the comments he made and give Google ratings he gave to places he visited. Google reviewer can make the information more relevant by uploading pictures of hotel and facilities.
Google Reviews is an attribute, which is integrated with Google My Business as well as Google Maps. Google Business Reviews let the users or clients publicly post a review (which is their opinion) in Google regarding what they felt using a business, its services and products. This feature is highly beneficial to businesses and enterprises as it helps them establish a brand reputation for themselves and raise their credibility and outreach. Businesses with higher ratings and positive opinions are more likely to attract customers than ones with lower rankings and negative feedbacks. Nowadays, customer decision-making process is largely governed by Google reviews. Google now includes reviews from different websites like Goibibo, TripAdvisor, Make My Trip, booking.com and many more.
Another closely linked factor is ORM (Online Reputation Management), which is defined by how others see you when they look for you online. ORM empowers a company to reduce the effects of a negative video, enable engaging marketing strategies for the online audience or strengthen its online visibility in an effective manner.
At Brands Martini – Digital Marketing Agency, we provide a delightful experience to our users, so that they don’t need to waste their time and money! We make the search easier, making user interface a good-to-go experience. Buying online, going for a deal or booking a hotel is at your fingertips now. Come, visit, explore and enjoy!
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- 16/11/2018
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