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What is New with Mobile News Feed in Facebook Video Ads?

Mobile News Feed in Facebook Video Ads

Mobile News Feed in Facebook Video Ads.

Facebook has rolled out changes to mobile news feed post and ad layouts on August 19. Facebook shrank the size of text and image. Because of the rise in advertisers on Facebook, they started looking for new ways to accommodate more ads on mobile news feed without hampering the user experience and this is why this change happened.

All the changes in Facebook were done to improve the consistency of their user experience. Besides, it restricts creativity and will significantly impact smaller brands with limited resources in the long-run. They will need to hire creative people in order to get the best of Facebook Video Ads. However, they can also outsource digital marketing services to a digital marketing agency in Delhi and get relief from the constantly changing social media.

Let’s have a look at what’s new with the mobile news feed.

Maximum media height for photos and videos is reduced

When compared to the previous version in which images and videos had a 2:3 aspect ratio, the new version will have a 4:5 aspect ratio.

Maximum number of lines of primary text is reduced

All the Facebook ads displayed in mobile phones will show only 3 lines of primary text instead of 7 that could previously be viewed. However, users can still read the whole text by clicking on “show more”.

Why Should You Care?

You will need to optimize all the videos for the new size otherwise it will automatically get masked while uploading Video Ads. Also, you will need to write short compelling text in order to synthesize the message in a way that catches the user’s attention.

Marketers now have less space to try and sell, this is why it’s best to hire a company for digital marketing services who have experts to write attractive short-liners and can help you in terms of the long game on your branding.


You will need to have new strategies in place in order to run the Facebook Video Ads on mobile news feed successfully. Even if you don’t, you can always look for companies with dedicated experts on different domains.
Brands Martini is the best Facebook marketing company in Delhi. They have different experts for each field i.e. SEO Services, Facebook marketing, PPC campaigns, and more. Not only Facebook video ads, but you will also get all digital marketing services at one place. Mobile News Feed in Facebook Video Ads

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