How Google Shopping Ads are Different from Search Ads?
ByBrands Martini
Published on14/02/2019
Google Shopping Ads and Google Search Ads both are the type of Google Ads and very effective ways to increase your traffic and improve the conversion on your site.
Importance of Youtube Marketing in Business Growth
ByBrands Martini
Published on23/01/2019
Starting a business and ensuring that it flourishes, both of them are quite different. If you are serious about your business, the second step must be stressed upon. There are different ways of marketing but with changing scenarios, you must adapt and go for the best option. YouTube is not just a video streaming … Continue reading “Importance of Youtube Marketing in Business Growth”
What are Zombie Pages and How to Destroy them?
ByBrands Martini
Published on15/01/2019
You didn’t read it wrong, we are in fact talking about Zombie pages here and it more or less follows the same definition as the Zombies we have been seeing in the movies and TV shows since ages. Basically, Zombie pages are those which are neither live nor dead meaning that they don’t really … Continue reading “What are Zombie Pages and How to Destroy them?”
Significance of Influencer Marketing
ByBrands Martini
Published on08/01/2019
Influencer marketing is a new technique of marketing and engaging the audience with the help of social media celebs like Youtubers or Instagram Models
Role of Website Speed in Google SERP Rankings
ByBrands Martini
Published on31/12/2018
Being informative- SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. The search engine always does a 250 ways ranking test to recommend the best result for the client who asks the search engine. Relatively the search engine finds the results by running algorithm accordingly to the keywords found to the searched query, that’s a SERP ranking is … Continue reading “Role of Website Speed in Google SERP Rankings”
How to increase your Google Ranking?
ByBrands Martini
Published on19/12/2018
When you create a website for blogging, business or any other purpose, the first question that you should ask is “Where does your traffic will come from?” So you rely on people finding you online through a Google search
5 Types of Google Ads and Their Benefits
ByBrands Martini
Published on13/12/2018
Advertising is Google’s bread and butter that accounts for more than 95 percent of Google’s revenue. From Google ADs to Google Merchant Ads, there are various online advertising ways through which it generates income.
Importance of Social Media Marketing for Sales and ROI
ByBrands Martini
Published on27/11/2018
Social life is intuitive PC intervened innovations that encourage the creation and sharing of data, thoughts, professional interests and different types of articulation by means of virtual networks and systems. Because millions of people are connected to each other through this