5 Strategies To Make Your Facebook Ads More Successful
ByBrands Martini
Published on10/09/2018
Facebook Marketing is one of the most basic yet influential digital marketing strategies. But due to increased competition, just the basic marketing techniques won’t provide you the results you want. According to the latest reports, around 94% of the companies invest in facebook marketing to reach customers and 67% of those intend to invest more … Continue reading “5 Strategies To Make Your Facebook Ads More Successful”
What is Remarketing and How Does it Work?
ByBrands Martini
Published on29/08/2018
Google Remarketing is an advertisement process which involves showing your website’s ads to the users who have already visited your website. Let’s understand it this way.
Google Maps In Search Engine Ranking
ByBrands Martini
Published on18/08/2018
While Google Maps positioning used to be founded on such things as nearness and industry classes, Google is presently including different variables into its count of rankings. This is uplifting news for little and medium estimated organizations whose postings may some way or another be dominated by huge partnerships and chain organizations. There are a … Continue reading “Google Maps In Search Engine Ranking”
The Importance of Vernacular Content Marketing
ByBrands Martini
Published on10/08/2018
Jokes written in English make for a great read. But, a joke in the local dialect of Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Punjabi, etc. takes it to a completely new level. This is mainly due to the ‘connectivity’ factor. Many psychological studies have proven time and again that all individuals tend to bend towards their linguistic peers … Continue reading “The Importance of Vernacular Content Marketing”
Instagram Business Account: How To Market On Instagram
ByBrands Martini
Published on23/07/2018
These days, nobody has the time to read long write-ups. Be it long articles, letters, blogs, emails or posts. As a matter of fact, most of them are seen and end up in the ‘trash’ folder without even a proper read. This is especially the case wherein your product or service is something remotely related … Continue reading “Instagram Business Account: How To Market On Instagram”
Facebook Watch – A New Platform for Online Shows
ByBrands Martini
Published on16/07/2018
Dear Facebook users no wonder, we have so many reasons for loving this popular social media platform so much. Today, we want to introduce you to one of the best features of Facebook to love it more and that is called Facebook Watch.
How Artificial Intelligence is boosting the SEO?
ByBrands Martini
Published on12/07/2018
Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the industry in many ways since its inception in the late 1960’s. It has gone through various changes through the years, making it more precise and accurate.
How to Remove Consumer Complaints from Google Search Results
ByBrands Martini
Published on21/05/2018
India is the third largest mobile-data market and the second largest data consuming market in the world. Thus, internet has reached the remotest corner of our country. So have its markets, products and services. The web is unabashedly the largest market in the world catering to billions of customers worldwide. Even if you have an … Continue reading “How to Remove Consumer Complaints from Google Search Results”