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SEO for Doctors: Best Practices to Attract Patients Online

Digital Marketing & SEO for Doctors, Clinics & Hospitals


Yes, ‘medical’ is a noble profession; but at the end of the day it is a profession and a means to earn bread and butter for the doctors. With several online platforms now opening up means to conduct easy virtual appointments, the competition in the field is on a constant rise.  So, accept it or not; you should be easily searchable for your intended clients, as and when they want you. What better way, to do it than Google, which is the source of more than 90% of all searches globally.

For effective marketing, you would have to ensure that your name pops up as and when a patient looks up for doctors or other medical specialists of your vertical and in your area on Google. This is Search Engine Optimization or SEO and is a marketing strategy easier said than done. You could also choose to hire a digital marketing company for the job. Further detailing on this subject, the following are the necessary inclusions of SEO:


Your Online Presence should be Mobile-Friendly

More than half the world population is on smartphones already with most searches now happening through mobiles. So, ignoring them is just not possible. You should ensure that your website or other digital presence aspects are well optimized for mobile searches i.e. they look good through a mobile screen as well.

Lookout for Productive Content

Even the best SEO agency in Delhi will guide you that content is the strongest tool within a sound SEO strategy. You would have to look for content (text, images and videos) that will pique the interest of the user as well as give them a reason to surf through your pages. In this context, as doctors, you could try giving them useful information and answers to questions mostly searched in an easy to understand language.

Optimize them for Search with Keywords

Ensure that you well place the targeted keywords as well as the related landing pages. Add in interesting titles and subtitles to make the users want to click them for further information.

Speed is the Key

Remember, that most of your patients are millenials who have no patience to wait for heavy websites, images and videos to load. Reports suggest, that you tend to lose out on 7%  conversion rate on every 1 second more that your website takes to load. So, as a leading digital marketing agency in delhi, we would like to guide you to make your website and mobile app as fast as possible.


Remember that a well-found professional is a well-earning individual these days. We hope that these above stated strategic SEO inclusions will help you scale the Google pages and customer viewership.

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