Importance of Youtube Marketing in Business Growth
ByBrands Martini
Published on23/01/2019
Starting a business and ensuring that it flourishes, both of them are quite different. If you are serious about your business, the second step must be stressed upon. There are different ways of marketing but with changing scenarios, you must adapt and go for the best option. YouTube is not just a video streaming … Continue reading “Importance of Youtube Marketing in Business Growth”
Facebook Watch – A New Platform for Online Shows
ByBrands Martini
Published on16/07/2018
Dear Facebook users no wonder, we have so many reasons for loving this popular social media platform so much. Today, we want to introduce you to one of the best features of Facebook to love it more and that is called Facebook Watch.
Why Facebook is More Important in Era of Digital Marketing?
ByBrands Martini
Published on09/04/2018
Facebook analysis shows that there are greater than 1 billion members and 2.2 billion active users per month. Being the most popular social networking platform, Facebook has gained tremendous importance in the era of digital marketing. IMPORTANCE OF FACEBOOK IN DIGITAL MARKETING With your Facebook Business page, you can get first-hand customer feedback. When there … Continue reading “Why Facebook is More Important in Era of Digital Marketing?”
Which Social Media Platform Is Best For Your Brand?
ByBrands Martini
Published on05/04/2017
Social networking is no more just a way to communicate with your family and friends, now more than ever is used to promote business. The most popular social platform in the world has millions of users, but that is not the social media aspect that makes it more attractive for marketing.