Eliminate Your Doubts About Twitter Marketing
ByBrands Martini
Published on05/03/2018
The messages are small, but the effect that they can create is large. Large enough to become a prominent part of online marketing strategies the world over. Twitter is a platform that allows people to post 280 characters long messages that can be shared, tweeted, re-tweeted and replied to. It allows creation of personal and … Continue reading “Eliminate Your Doubts About Twitter Marketing”
How to Get your Hashtag Popular in Digital World?
ByBrands Martini
Published on11/12/2017
The hashtags are a word or group of words used after the sign such as #marketing, #buylarge or anything else. These are now used over in distinct social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Google+ and more. The accurate use of trending hashtags assists the user to forward their messages to their audiences. Hence, the hashtag … Continue reading “How to Get your Hashtag Popular in Digital World?”
4 Ways to Build an Organic Following on Twitter
ByBrands Martini
Published on25/08/2017
With social media getting more and more ingrained in our daily lives, it’s now pivotal for business owners to get aboard. And taking into consideration this drastic shift to people or consumer-centric marketing, Twitter is now much more relevant than ever before.
Twitter Gets The Much Needed Upgrades With New Features
ByBrands Martini
Published on19/04/2017
With its stagnant user growth and diminishing revenue over the last 2 years, Twitter’ growth stalled despite its interesting aspects (Periscope being the most notable one). Apparently, it wasn’t something that was appealing enough to the 77% of the people who weren’t using the app.