This is to alert, visitors to our website and under the parent company FUTURISTIC SIMPLIFIED COMPUTING PVT. LTD. that we do not outsource any Daily payment jobs of any kind directly or indirectly through any agency.
It has come to our notice that some Scammers are using the goodwill and reputation of our company to lure innocent people exploring for WORK FROM HOME OPTIONS to earn an extra income, are being scammed in our name. We take no responsibility of you getting scammed. We shall be putting these scam alerts all over social media handles and our digital assets to ensure caution and protect our Brand Goodwill. Nonetheless, Police complaints have been filed against these scammers with the Economic Offence Wing And Cyber Crime Mandir Marg New Delhi.
GIRLS IN THE NAME OF DIVYA RAJPUT AND RADHIKA are approaching innocent people and SUNIL KUMAR is asking for money on some flimsy grounds. We are attaching some screenshots of a few people who have been cheated.